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Pre-Tournament Meeting Information

Mandatory Pre-Tournament Meeting will be held on June 15, 2019

This is a mandatory meeting for managers of every All-Star team.

Meeting will be held at Eugene Paden Elementary School,  200 Padan School Rd, Vacaville, CA 95687
9:30 AM:  Shetland and Pinto
11:00 AM: All others

The following items are required for the Pre-Tournament Managers meeting.  All items
should be in a 3-ring binder, with each player's documentation grouped together.

1. Proof of Insurance - Current copy of your League's Insurance

2.  Coaches Concussion Certificates - Printed copy of completion certificate

The State of California enacted a new law effective January 1 2017, regarding concussions in youth sports.  It is an amendment of a previous law that covered high school athletes that now covers all athletes under the age of 18. Its’ purpose is to provide specific safety protocols in order to protect athletes from injury. It is AB 2007.  Youth baseball is included in this law.
The new law requires training for the coaches, and the CIF website offers a free 20 minute training course that can be used for that purpose. 

To read AB 2007:  Click Here

Link for CIF training: Click Here

3. Completed Affidavits
a. Be sure to choose the correct division. ("and under" if applicable)
b. Print each player's FULL LEGAL NAME exactly as it appears on their Birth
            Certificate. If there is a legal name change, a copy of the court order must
            be with the Birth Certificate.
c. Print 2 completed copies - Signed by your League President - to bring with
            you to the meeting to be signed off. One copy goes to the Tournament Director, one copy stays with the binder
Teams shall consist of: Minimum 12 players, maximum 15 players plus 3 coaches (4 for Shetland)
Teams shall consist of: Minimum 12 players, maximum 18 players plus 3 coaches

4. Birth Certificates - Copy of each player

5. Medical Release Forms:  Signed by players parent. Not required by highly recommended

6.  Team photo

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